Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jason Scott Presenting “Before the LOL” at ROFLCon

I thought this post on Laughing Squid about Jason Scott's "Before the LOL" presentation was very applicable to the project we did this semester catering to the Screenager generation. Jason Scott talks about pre-internet culture in his presentation, which he gave at ROFLCon 2008.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I really love this project by Color Wars 2008 called "YOUNGME NOWME" - where readers submitted both a photo of them in their youth, and another photo trying to recreate the older photo as closely as possible. The results are striking - because of the similar wardrobe and setting, the resemblance between ones younger and current selves is very apparent. I want to try doing this myself! The winners are here.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Japanese creative packaging design solutions to ugly barcodes

I absolutely love these Japanese packaging designs used to disguise barcodes on products that I found on Boing Boing. They're very creative and fun - the only thing I wonder is if the scan-ability is compromised?